Single space a table in word for mac

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It is used for any kind of ranges, typically. The en-dash is a bit longer than the hyphen its length is equal to the width of the letter n, whence the name. US keyboards-to the right of the “0” key 2.

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Norwegian keyboards-to the right of the full-stop key The hyphen has its own key on the keyboard: This is a good thing given how complicated the hyphenation rules are.ġ.1. (1) The automatic justification used by modern word processing software has made hyphenation un. It is used to break a long word into parts so that the word can continue on another line.It joins separate words into a single word: m erry-go-round, off-shore, long-established, T-shirt.The hyphen is the shortest mark of the three and has two functions: In this article, you can read about their function and how to insert them in Word and Latex. These punctuations marks belong to the elite of punctuation but are actually quite easy. There are three lengths of what non-typesetters simply think of as a dash: the hyphen (-), the en-dash (–), and the em-dash (-).